Do you want to save for yourself or your family’s future? Are you in doubt as to where to save your funds to meet future needs while earning attractive interest on the savings deposits? Accra Academy Co-operative Credit Union provides an excellent avenue for you to set aside funds to meet future financial needs. Our savings account gives you the opportunity to make a regular monthly deposit via source deduction, mobile money, bank deduction, or walk-in to make deposits.

Interest on our savings account is paid quarterly on a compound basis to enable your savings to grow faster. Regular savings of at least GHS 50.00 shall be made every month. AACCU pays a minimum of 1.50% per quarter on the minimum savings balance of the member per that quarter.

Members savings are secured by the Deposit Guarantee Scheme (Stabilization Fund) which is administered by the Ghana Co-operative Credit Union Association (CUA), the apex body. This Scheme will provide compensation to members in the event that the credit union folds up. Members should be rest assured that their savings and interests earned are secured.